2023 October Events Calendar

US College Recruiting Events
Monday September 11 - October 26
It's career fair season, and DG has a packed schedule. To view a calendar of the events we're attending, click here. For more information, or interest in helping with an event reach out to Tyler McGary.

Bullying Prevention Month
Sunday October 1–Tuesday October 31
Bullying can occur at any age and is more common in our everyday lives than we may think. Be proactive and take action against bullying before matters get out of hand. Find steps to be proactive against bullying here. If you observe any behavior that could be perceived as bullying, please contact Human Resources at [email protected].

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Sunday October 1–Tuesday October 31
1 in 8 women in the United States will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Be proactive on your breast health. Awareness and early detection save lives! For more information on breast cancer, or to help support access to screenings for underserved communities, visit the National Breast Cancer Foundation site.

Flu Season: Protect Your Community
Sunday October 1
With covid-19 still circulating, flu shots are more important than ever to limit the risk of having to fight off two diseases at once. Protect yourself and your community by making a plan to get your flu shot today. Contact a nearby participating pharmacy to confirm hours and vaccine availability, then simply show your Cigna ID card to receive your flu shot. Be on the lookout for a possible Flu Clinic being offered at your office location!

World Architecture Day
Monday October 2
World Architecture Day is commemorated annually on the first Monday of October, celebrating both contemporary and historical architecture, as well as honoring professionals in the field of architecture. Thank you, DG Architects and Architectural Engineers, for all you do!

Thanksgiving (Canada)
Monday October 9
Happy Thanksgiving, Canadian Employees!

World Mental Health Day
Tuesday October 10
How are you doing? What tools do you use to manage your mental wellbeing? Take some time today to check in with yourself and your mental health.
Want to know more about mental health? Looking for resources and support? Check out our Mental Health Basics booklet. You can also email [email protected] with questions about options for helping you achieve mental wellness.

National Coming Out Day
Wednesday October 11
Every October 11, National Coming Out Day celebrates all who have come out or are coming out as LGBTQIA+ and their ongoing bravery and strength for living authentically in a world where the personal is so often made political. Every person who speaks up changes more hearts and minds, creates new advocates for equality. For resources on coming out, being an ally, and more, click here.

Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida (Brazil)
Thursday October 12
In the Roman Rite Catholic Liturgical Calendar, the day of Our Lady Aparecida ranks as a solemnity, and is a holy day of obligation to the Blessed Virgin Mary who is considered the principal patroness of Brazil by the Brazilian Catholic Church. It has been a National Holiday in Brazil since 1980. It also coincides with Children's Day in Brazil.

Children's Day (Brazil)
Thursday October 12
Children's Day coincides with the day of Our Lady Aparecida, and is as such celebrated with a day off. Many parents present their children with gifts or take them to public parks for fun activities. This day is also used to raise funds and awareness for children's causes, such as access to healthcare and education.

Persons Day (Canada)
Wednesday October 18
October 18 marks the day in 1929 when the historic decision to include women in the legal definition of “persons” was handed down by Canada’s highest court of appeal. This gave some women the right to be appointed to the Senate of Canada and paved the way for women's increased participation in public and political life. Though this decision did not include all women, such as Indigenous women and women of Asian heritage and descent, it marked critical progress in the advancement of gender equality in Canada.

Dennis Group's 36th Anniversary
Thursday October 19
Happy Birthday, DG! Since its founding in 1987, Dennis Group has grown so much, both as a business and as a family. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to everyone who continues to make DG great.

HarvestFest (Springfield)
Saturday October 21 (1-5pm)
There's something for everyone at Harvest Fest in Springfield! Come out to Tower Square park the weekend before Halloween to enjoy music, games, food and more. Visit https://springfielddowntown.com/harvestfest/ for details.

DG Halloween Parties!
Thursday October 26 (Springfield) • Friday October 27 (Battle Creek) • Tuesday October 31 (Salt Lake City) • Tuesday October 31 (Atlanta) • Tuesday October 31 (Toronto) • TBA (San Diego)
It's your time to shine, costume-wearers and food lovers of DG! Throughout October we'll be celebrating with potlucks and costume contests. Check back here for the details on your office. And don't forget to bring your vampire fangs! You'll need an extra set of teeth to sink into all those delicious goodies.

Tuesday October 31
Happy Halloween, DG employees!

Safety Committee Meetings
Tuesday October 17, noon EDT (Atlanta)
Wednesday October 18, 4:30pm PDT (San Diego)
Tuesday October 17, 11am EDT (Springfield)
Wednesday October 18, noon MDT (Salt Lake City)
Thursday October 19, noon EDT (Battle Creek)
Want to help the DG Safety Committee plan for 2023? Contact Chris Klesse to join the DG safety meetings.
If you have any events that you'd like us to include this month or in future months, let us know!
Fill out the survey by clicking the button above.