2023 April Events Calendar

Autism Awareness Month
April 1 - 30
Request seen at end of April 2023, make sure to include April 2024

Good Friday (US & Canada)
Sexta-feira da Paixão (Brazil)
Friday April 7
Part of the Christian Holy Week, Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. In many areas, it is a municipal holiday marked by the closing of stores and schools.

Sunday April 9
Occurring on the Sunday following the first full moon of Spring, Easter is the Christian holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Easter is commonly celebrated by attending church services, decorating and hunting for eggs, and snacking on chocolate bunnies and candies.

Tiradentes (Brazil)
Friday April 21
Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier, known as Tiradentes, was a leader of the separatist liberation movement Inconfidencia Mineira, which aimed to free Brazil from Portuguese rule. After the institution of the First Brazilian Republic in 1889, the anniversary of his death (April 21) became a national holiday. While there isn't much in the way of festivities on this day, public officials make addresses; schools, businesses, and banks close; and many Brazilians enjoy the holiday at home.

Earth Day
Saturday April 22
We've only got one. Let's take care of it.
Planting a tree? Growing some bee-friendly flowers? Send photos of your Earth Day activities to Marketing ([email protected]) and we'll share them on DG's social media profile!

Administrative Professionals Day
Wednesday April 26
This is for all the amazing administrative professionals who keep our operations running smoothly. We salute you!

Safety Committee Meetings
Want to help make DG safer? Contact Chris Klesse to join DG's safety committee meetings.
Tuesday April 18, noon EDT (Atlanta)
Wednesday April 19, noon PDT (San Diego)
Tuesday April 18, noon MDT (Salt Lake City)
Wednesday April 19, noon EDT (Battle Creek)
Tuesday April 18, 11:00am EDT (Springfield)
If you have any events that you'd like us to include this month or in future months, let us know!
Fill out the survey by clicking the button above.